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Proprioceptive Gymnastics
Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy Therapies


When we talk about posture treatment, we must not forget that it is something more complex/comprehensive than going to the physiotherapist’s office and lying on the couch for an hour.

It is true that we need the physiotherapist to directly treat some structures of our body but after this happens, we must integrate the changes in our body schema and gestures.

This means that if the therapist treats a trapezius contracture, after the consultation, we must do proprioceptive work, body awareness work to keep the shoulders down, “supported by the pelvis” and not “suspended from the head”. Because if we forget about this last part, we are bound to suffer the contracture again, does this sound familiar?

It is extremely beneficial to complete the treatment with Proprioceptive or Maintenance Gymnastics.

It consists of a weekly 1-hour class in a small group of a maximum of 3 people. We work on the floor, with different objects: sticks, balls, boards, etc. to perform a series of exercises that will awaken and integrate the changes that are taking place in our body into our motor cortex.

A Holistic View

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Their description during the patient interview reveals much of the information about the injury.

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THE KEY: is to find the reason for the injury, the cause. What is the chain of injury that has caused it.

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Always based on an accurate, personalised and innovative diagnosis.