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Perinatal Treatment
Physiotherapy Techniques and Therapies

Perinatal Treatment for Pregnant Women

Physiotherapy treatment in pregnancy should not be approached as a curative or even preventive treatment because it is not a pathological or dangerous process.

Durante los meses de embarazo, el cuerpo cambia enormemente para ir albergando al bebé y preparándose para el día del parto. Esto es posible gracias a unos cambios hormonales y mecánicos. La progesterona y la relaxina permitirán a los ligamentos y músculos de todo el cuerpo ir adaptándose al crecimiento del bebé. The bones also become more flexible, just like those of children; we are talking about living bones.

One of the objectives of physiotherapy support during pregnancy will of course be to prevent damage to the perineum, episiotomies, pubic or rectus diastasis, back pain, etc. Pero sobre todo será preparar al cuerpo, a la mujer y a la pareja para el proceso que van a vivir, coger confianza y reforzarla en cada una de las etapas: dar las herramientas para que la mujer y la pareja se sientan seguros.

This will be possible if you know what the process will be like. It is important to explain how the body works. Ask questions, however obvious they may be. Visit the place where you are going to give birth. Do the exercises and guidelines to integrate them; it is not enough to memorise them, they must be recorded in the motor cortex so that on the day of the birth, we can control them.

Childbirth is painful, but it can be joyful. Knowing and knowing will help us to manage the pain. For example, after each contraction, in the moment of calm, endorphins are generated (many women even fall asleep) and these endorphins allow the release of oxytocin, a hormone that helps us to dilate. The body is a perfectly oiled machine.

In addition to childbirth, it is important to work on postural hygiene: how to sit, stand up, turn in bed, sleep, etc. What many women do not know is that the perineum or pelvic floor is damaged during pregnancy (due to poor posture) and not during childbirth.

Childbirth Preparation or Perinatal Accompaniment Course

The course is designed to complement the classic childbirth preparation courses. The aim is to incorporate some fundamental biomechanical aspects that are sometimes not taken into account in these courses due to the physical or biomechanical particularities of each woman. The aim of the course is to provide the mother and the couple with the necessary tools to have a healthy birth and to feel safe at all times on that day. To do this we will work from different points:

  • Treating all the discomfort that the mother may feel as the pregnancy progresses.
  • Preparing the mother’s body for the day: ensuring hip flexion, lumbar lordosis, abdominal elasticity,…
  • Learning the positions to adopt for dilatation and expulsion.
  • Recreating everything that is going to happen that day, to recognise it when it arrives and to feel safe.
  • Resolving any doubts that may arise.

The course consists of 5 sessions of one hour and a half. The sessions are individual sessions with the couple. Ideally they are designed for the couple to work together but on occasions when the father is not available to attend, the mother can take the course alone.

Price 220€

A Holistic View

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Their description during the patient interview reveals much of the information about the injury.

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THE KEY: is to find the reason for the injury, the cause. What is the chain of injury that has caused it.

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Always based on an accurate, personalised and innovative diagnosis.